Hello, this is Han

From April 2024, I am an Assistant Professor (Lecturer) in the School of Electronics & Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton. My position is anchored within the Cyber Security group, where I am deeply engaged in addressing research challenges in the realm of Dependable and Secure Machine Learning Technology.

📣📣📣 🎓 PhD Opportunities at ECS, University of Southampton 🇬🇧🎓 Prospective students who are interested in privacy-preserving machine learning and cyber security, please contact me via email. For research topics, please refer to this brief introduction or the post. Visiting students are also welcome to apply.

My research interests are broad and encompass a variety of key areas, including Federated Learning, Inference Attacks, Differential Privacy, Tabular Data Synthesis, and Machine Unlearning. My work aims to contribute to the advancement of secure and reliable machine learning systems that can be trusted in sensitive and critical applications.

Prior to joining SOTON, I was a Research Fellow (2023-2024) in the School of Computer Science at University of Birmingham. In this role, I worked with Prof. Aad van Moorsel on the EPSRC-funded AGENCY (£ 2.7M) project. I also worked as a Research Associate (2021-2023) for the EPSRC-funded FinTrust (£ 1.0M) project at Newcastle University. I am the awardee of the Post-Doctoral Enrichment Award 2022 granted by the Alan Turing Institute.

I obtained PhD degree in Computer Science from the Free University of Berlin in 2020. My PhD supervisor is Prof. Katinka Wolter. I received my Bachelor’s degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2013, and Master’s degree from Tongji University in 2016.


[2024-08]: Our paper about GAN-based social media bots is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems journal.
[2024-08]: I organised the PrivacyML@ECS seminar at the University of Southampton.
[2024-05]: I received the ECS Pump Priming Fund in the amount of £ 1,730.
[2024-04]: I joined the University of Southampton as a lecturer in Cyber Security.
[2023-11]: Our project UnFed: Selective Forgetting in Federated Financial Applications received £ 20,000 grant from EPSRC Network Plus! I am the co-Investigator of this project.
[2023-03]: One scoping review paper about online harms in smart homes is accepted by Future Generation Computer Systems journal.
[2023-01]: I jointed University of Birmingham as a Research Fellow.
[2022-12]: I finished my work as a Research Associate in Newcastle University.
[2022-07]: One paper on Federated Learning attack is accepted by ISSRE 2022.